Many degrees of freedom.

Lynch, David. “Red Man does magic near his house”. 2013. Ink and pencil on paper. Kayne Griffin Corcoran.

About Me

Hi! Thank you for visiting my website. My name is Matthew, and I am a psychological scientist. I received my PhD in Psychology with concentrations in Social and Quantitative Psychology in 2023 from The Graduate Center at the City University of New York. Before that, I studied percussion at Stetson University before switching my major to psychology, receiving my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a minor in Music in 2017.

I have two complementary professional and scholarly identities. The first focuses on the theory, practice, and instruction of data science and quantitative methodology, especially with respect to understanding what expert analysts and scientists learn from their experience. The second focuses on the psychological origin and explanation of how people decide between right and wrong, especially in understanding how and why people change their moral values over time (they do that!).

If you keep scrolling, you will find lots of other cool (?) and interesting (??) and random (definitely) slices of my life and personality laid out in some kind of bizarre stream-of-consciousness format that I made up, mostly as an excuse for messing around with scrollytelling.

This is Sweet Jack The Cat. He’s not dead. He just sleeps like that.

This is Ripley. She was named after science fiction heroine and personal childhood hero Lieutenant First Class Ellen Louise Ripley. Dog-Ripley is, however, not very brave. In fact, she was diagnosed with a rare psychiatric condition called “being ridiculous”. Symptoms include fear of nighttime, fear of wind, fear of leaves falling from trees, fear of mysterious objects covered in black garbage bags next to the sidewalk, and fear of turtles. She likes Jack the Cat, though. A little too much, if you ask me.